I hope everyone had a great turkey day, I spent it solo dog sitting and building a new desk! It was lovely.
So here we are, my second blog post! In this post I wanted to share a document I created to help other entrepreneurs. Setting up an LLC! It felt like an overwhelming task that I was not at all prepared for. But I guess I am prepared, but I've setup two LLC's!
Other entrepreneurs shared the same hesitancy and I wanted to create a quick overview on my LLC Process. I hope you find it helpful.
I was nervous to setup the first one. It felt like PEAK adulting. And it was! Here's something they don't tell you...At the end you're rewarded with a fancy certificate for your new LLC!
Here is my document:
People...I'm not a lawyer please use this document as a guide. One woman's (anxious) journey in creating an LLC.
If you have any questions email me!
I'm happy to chat about setting up your LLC, EIN, domain or social pages.
Question...I was at Target yesterday and I can't figure out what holiday is next?